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We work with people from all walks of life.


Advanced Practitioners

We are happy to meet people who are new to meditation and inner work! We offer simple, step-by-step instructions to build a clear and stable foundation, so that new students can learn, practice and fully understand the basics. No prior experience is necessary. The only requirement is a gentle willingness to look within.

We offer more in-depth teachings and trainings for those with an extensive background in meditation or spiritual practices, both in 1:1 and group settings. We have a multi-year intensive training for serious students, and are currently designing a teacher certification course for the Open Awareness method. 

If you are interested in an introduction class, feel free to sign up here.

Charities & NGOs

We love to help those who are helping others! We offer specialised workshops for charitable organisations and NGOs - for charity staff and volunteers as well as the groups in society that they serve.


We teach simple techniques to empower people to feel less stressed, more rested, and more joyful. Taking time for our emotional health can help to create harmony in our relationships and find balance in our lives.


To learn more or book a workshop for a charity / NGO, please contact us here.

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