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Retreat Guidelines

Guidelines for attending a Kriya Lightning Foundation retreat

General Etiquette


  • Please arrive 10 minutes before the start of the session so that we can start on time together. Give yourself time to find a spot to sit and settle in. Feel free to stretch, meditate, or use Open Awareness before the session begins.

  • The yoga hall is a space for inner reflection and release. Thanks for helping us create a safe and quiet space for everyone!

  • Please leave your phone off or on Airplane mode during the session.

  • For notes, bring a journal / pen & paper instead of your phone.

  • No voice or video recording of any kind during sessions - you will be asked to leave the retreat and may not be permitted to attend future KLF events if you are found to be recording.

  • Please ask permission before taking pictures with people's faces (back of the shala is fine!), and if you would like to post any, kindly check with people beforehand. 

  • Personal hygiene: Please shower daily and take appropriate measures to be odour free (incl. strong perfume) in order to help us maintain a peaceful environment in the yoga hall.

  • Please inform Chris, Ariel, or a facilitator (Lizzy, Keith, Tommy, Minty, Héloïse), if you are feeling physically unwell during the retreat. If you are sick, please speak to Ariel or Chris before coming to class.

  • If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them during the Q&A breaks! Personal questions can be answered at the end of each session.

  • Please avoid alcohol & drugs the day before and during the retreat. If possible, please avoid caffeine or cut down intake during the retreat.

  • Understand the Terms & Conditions


Retreat Attendees


  • Please treat everyone with kindness and respect! 💛

  • If somebody is experiencing a big release (e.g. crying), please respect their process and avoid disturbing them. If you would like to offer support or a hug, please ask first, as the person might prefer space to just go through their process.

  • Please ask permission before engaging in physical contact with other attendees. As we all come from different cultures and backgrounds, please be mindful to respect people’s boundaries.

  • If you would like to discuss your personal experience (which can be exciting), please ask permission before sharing. Retreat attendees may be in their own personal process!

In Session


  • ​We recommend using the bathroom breaks (when possible), so as to not disrupt the flow of sessions.

  • When sharing your experience or feedback during class, please try to keep sharing precise.

  • Please do not eat during class to avoid distracting others, and to maintain cleanliness in the yoga hall. Eating (outside the hall) during rest breaks is fine.

  • At the end of each session, Chris & Ariel will stay behind for 10 minutes for personal questions. Please keep your questions precise!

  • Do not post / publish the original content of the retreats anywhere (incl. online). 



  • If you are eating out, be mindful of traffic & wait times to get to class on time.

  • For breakfast & lunch, we recommend eating a healthy meal (not too heavy) so that you can maintain focus and avoid discomfort / fatigue in the afternoon class.

  • We also recommend having a healthy or nourishing meal for dinner.

  • Be mindful of "heating" or spicy food, we recommend avoiding these during the retreat. 

  • We strongly advise against fasting during the retreat.

Thank you for helping us create a safe, kind and considerate environment!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at or 💛

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