New Year's Day Event: New Beginnings
Mon, Jan 01
|AIA Vitality Hub
New Beginnings: Clear your mind and heart to start the new year fresh

Date & Location
Jan 01, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
AIA Vitality Hub, 33 Man Kwong St, Central, Hong Kong
New Beginnings: Clear your mind and heart to start the new year fresh
On the 1st of January 2024, the Kriya Lightning Foundation will be joining hands with AIA Vitality Hub to bring the New Year’s Day Event: New Beginnings.
Through guided instruction by the founders of the Kriya Lightning Foundation, Ariel Lee and Chris Tracy, participants will learn step-by-step techniques to achieve mental peace and clarity. This event is an opportunity to embrace new beginnings and set a positive tone for 2024!
This is a 90 min workshop suitable for both beginners who are new to meditation, and experts looking to expand their knowledge. No prior experience is necessary.
About the Kriya Lightning Foundation
The Kriya Lightning Foundation is a Hong Kong-based NGO dedicated to helping people around the world. What started off as two people figuring out how to deal with stress and emotional discomfort 10 years ago evolved into a journey to share discoveries of original techniques such as Open Awareness, to help others find peace and happiness within themselves.
We offer practical methods to train the mind and body to let go of attachments and resistances through meditative techniques. Our Open Awareness technique is a culmination of 10 years of refinement, designed with goals to help increase clarity and meet emotional challenges with proven results from testimonials from our global community.
For more information, visit
新的开始: 清淨你的头脑和心灵,重新开始新的一年
2024 年 1 月 1 日,Kriya Lightning Foundation 会将携手友邦保险活力中心举办元旦活动: 新的开始。
通过 Kriya Lightning Foundation 会创始人 Ariel Lee 和 Chris Tracy 的指导,参与者将学习到循序渐进的技巧,从而获得心灵的平静和清明。这次活动是一个拥抱新开始的机会,为 2024 年定下积极的基调!
这是一个 90 分钟的工作坊,既适合刚刚接触冥想的初学者,也适合希望扩展知识的专家。无需任何经验。
Kriya Lightning Foundation 会是一家总部设在香港的非政府组织,致力于帮助世界各地的人们。10 年前,两个人开始研究如何应对压力和情绪上的不适,后来逐渐发展成为一个分享原创技术(如开放觉知)的旅程,帮助他人找到内心的平和与快乐。
我们提供切实可行的方法,通过冥想技巧训练身心放下执着和抗拒。我们的 "开放觉察 "技术是 10 年改进的结晶,其设计目标是帮助提高清晰度和应对情绪挑战,全球社区的见证证明了其效果。